زمان عرضه آفيس 2021 براي ويندوز و مك او اس مشخص شد

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زمان عرضه آفيس 2021 براي ويندوز و مك او اس مشخص شد

اخبار اپليكيشن‌هامايكروسافت


مايكروسافت اعلام كرد كه نسخه بعدي آفيس اواخر سال جاري ميلادي عرضه خواهد شد. اين نسخه تحت عنوان آفيس 2021 براي دستگاه‌هاي ويندوزي (32 بيتي و 64 بيتي) و مك او اس در دسترس قرار خواهد گرفت و يك مجموعه نرم افزار اداري يكبار خريد است. به اين معني كه تنها با پرداخت هزينه اوليه و خريد آن مي‌توان براي هميشه از اين مجموعه نرم افزاري استفاده كرد. اين سياست فروش در واقع بر خلاف سياست خريد اشتراك مي‌باشد كه مايكروسافت در آفيس 365 پياده كرده است. با ديجي رو همراه باشيد.

در حالي كه مايكروسافت هنوز به تمام جزئيات مربوط به تغييرات آفيس 2021 اشاره نكرده، اما اين نكته را ذكر كرده كه مجموعه نرم افزاري جديد از حالت تاريك پشتيباني خواهد كرد و آرايه‌هاي پويا (Dynamic Arrays) و XLOOKUP نيز به برنامه اكسل آن افزوده شده است.

دوربين مداربسته چيست؟     تجهيزات دوربين مداربسته

بد نيست بدانيد كه هم آفيس 2021 و هم آفيس LTSC (كانال سرويس‌دهي بلند مدت) براي كسب و كارها و مشاغل تنها 5 سال پشتيباني خواهند شد و اين در حالي است كه تا پيش از اين مدت پشتيباني از مجموعه نرم افزاري آفيس 7 سال بود. قيمت نسخه‌هاي Professional Plus و Standard و همچنين برنامه‌هاي مجزا نيز براي كاربران تجاري 10 درصد بيشتر از قيمت فعلي خواهد بود، اما براي بقيه افراد تغييري نخواهد داشت.

بيشتر بخوانيد :            بهترين دوربين مدار بسته   انواع دوربين مدار بسته




earn Highest profit in bitcoin mining 2021 updates

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earn Highest profit  in bitcoin mining 2021 updates

Incredible Benefits Of Bitcoin Mining!!

Most of you have heard about this popular cryptocurrency that is bitcoin at some point in your life. Some of you might have grown a tremendous interest in these digital assets and may have invested a lot of time in researching as well as buying cryptocurrency.

Hence, the majority of people are still clueless about the working of bitcoin, the algorithm behind it, and its benefits. Bitcoin, along with other forms of cryptocurrencies, provides a creative way to complete payments, transfer funds, and hold some assets for future purposes. It is not like other forms of online payments; transacting with bitcoin consists of a peer-to-peer network, making it impossible for hackers to stop, alter, or attack.

Moreover, the bitcoin algorithm confirmed all bitcoin transactions through thousands of mining hardware spread all over the world. In order to start mining today, you need powerful GPUs like AbzminerABZ PH-888 Miner, internet access, and a consistent source of electricity. So, let us discuss the top advantages of bitcoin mining.buy bitcoin miner

  • Get Rewarded With Bitcoin

Bitcoin transactions are integrated with blockchains, and each miner will get roughly 10 minutes to solve a bunch of details on bitcoin transactions. Each block will contain mathematical problems, which mining computers have to solve the block and the first miner to do it will be rewarded with bitcoins. Moreover, they will also collect transaction fees, which are included in the block. And now you know, bitcoin mining consists of passive income.buy the most profitable bitcoin miner

  • Prevent High Fees And Instantly Get Your Coin

If you consider buying a cryptocurrency and compare it with mining, the fees involved in bitcoin mining are considerably lower (in case you have joined a mining pool), and the bitcoin transactions are relatively faster. Moreover, you can save a lot of fees incurred on deposit, withdrawal, transfer, and trading of cryptocurrency. The best thing about bitcoin mining is that you can send rewards to your wallet after making a request.

  • You Can Either Test Your Luck Or Join A Mining Pool

In order to improve your odds of earning bitcoin, you may have to consider joining a mining pool, where you can contribute your hash rate and mine together with a bunch of other miners. Hence, it will increase the chances of solving the mathematical issue present in a block. Once the block is solved, the amount will be distributed according to the contribution of the hash rate in the pool. Or you can try your luck by mining the block all by yourself, but it will worth the price.